- Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Zekan Lupić, Mateja; Frleta‐Valić, Maša; Gračan, Romana; Bosak, Sunčica Growing older, growing more diverse: Sea turtles and epibiotic cyanobacteria // Journal of phycology, 2024 (2024), 00; 1-16. doi: 10.1111/jpy.13511
- Filek, Klara; Vuković, Borna Branimir; Žižek, Marta; Kanjer, Lucija; Trotta, Adriana; Di Bello, Antonio; Corrente, Marialaura; Bosak, Sunčica Loggerhead Sea Turtles as Hosts of Diverse Bacterial and Fungal Communities // Microbial ecology, 87 (2024), 1; 79, 16. doi: 10.1007/s00248-024-02388-x
- Filek, Klara; Lebbe, Liesbeth; Willems, Anne; Chaerle, Peter; Vyverman, Wim; Žižek, Marta; Bosak, Sunčica More than just hitchhikers: a survey of bacterial communities associated with diatoms originating from sea turtles // FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98 (2022) 1-15 doi:10.1093/femsec/fiac104
- Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Majewska, Roksana; Gračan, Romana; Trotta, Adriana; Panagopoulou, Aliki; Corrente, Marialaura; Di Bello, Antonio; Bosak, Sunčica Surface microbiota of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles unraveled by 16S and 18S amplicon sequencing // Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10 (2022) 907368, 16 doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.907368
- Ashworth, Matt P.; Majewska, Roksana; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Sullivan, Michael; Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Van de Vijver, Bart; Arendt, Michael; Schwenter, Jeffrey; Nel, Ronel; Robinson, Nathan J.; Gary, Meagan P.; Theriot, Edward C.; Stacy, Nicole I.; Lam, Daryl W.; Perrault, Justin R.; Manire, Charles A.; Manning, Schonna R. Cultivating epizoic diatoms provides insights into the evolution and ecology of both epibionts and hosts // Scientific Reports, 12 (2022) 15116, 11 doi:10.1038/s41598-022-19064-0
- Filek, Klara; Trotta, Adriana; Gračan, Romana; Di Bello, Antonio; Corrente, Marialaura; Bosak, Sunčica Characterization of oral and cloacal microbial communities of wild and rehabilitated loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) // BMC Animal Microbiome, 3 (2021), 1; 59, 14 doi:10.1186/s42523-021-00120-5
- Pang, Wanting; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart First report of the marine chrysophycean stomatocysts from the carapace biofilm of a Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtle // Nova Hedwigia, 113 (2021), 1-2; 33-44 doi:10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2021/0643
- Lobban, Christopher S.; Majewska, Roksana; Ashworth, Matt; Bizsel, Nihayet; Bosak, Sunčica; Kooistra, Wiebe H.C.F.; Lam, Daryl W.; Navarro, J. Nelson; Pennesi, Chiara; Sato, Shinya et al. Diatom Genus Hyalosira (Rhabdonematales emend.) and Resolution of its Polyphyly in Grammatophoraceae and Rhabdonemataceae with a New Genus, Placosira, and Five New Hyalosira Species // Protist, 172 (2021), 3; 125816, 37 doi:10.1016/j.protis.2021.125816
- Trotta, Adriana; Cirilli, Margie; Marinaro, Mariarosaria; Bosak, Sunčica; Diakoudi, Georgia; Ciccarelli, Stefano; Paci, Serena; Buonavoglia, Domenico; Corrente, Marialaura Detection of multi-drug resistance and AmpC β-lactamase/extended-spectrum β-lactamase genes in bacterial isolates of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Mediterranean Sea // Marine Pollution Bulletin, 164 (2021), 112015, 9 doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112015
- Majewska, Roksana; Ashworth, Matt P.; Bosak, Sunčica; Goosen, William E.; Nolte, Christopher; Filek, Klara; Van de Vijver, Bart; Taylor, Jonathan C.; Manning, Schonna R.; Nel, Ronel On sea turtle-associated Craspedostauros (Bacillariophyta), with description of three novel species // Journal of Phycology, 57 (2021), 1; 199-218 doi:10.1111/jpy.13086
- Van de Vijver, Bart; Bosak, Sunčica Typification of Brachysira aponina Kützing (Brachysiraceae, Bacillariophyta) // Notulae algarum, 171 (2020) 4
- Kanjer, Lucija; Majewska, Roksana; Van de Vijver, Bart; Gračan, Romana; Lazar, Bojan; Bosak, Sunčica Diatom diversity on the skin of frozen historic loggerhead sea turtle specimens // Diversity, 12 (2020), 10; 338, 11 doi:10.3390/d12100383
- Van de Vijver, Bart; Robert, Kathe; Witkowski, Andrzej; Bosak, Suncica Majewskaea gen. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new marine benthic diatom genus from the Adriatic Sea. // Fottea, 20 (2020), 2; 112-120 doi:10.5507/fot.2020.001
- Van de Vijver, Bart; Robert, Käthe; Majewska, Roksana; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Panagopoulou, Aliki; Bosak, Sunčica. Geographical variation in the diatom communities associated with loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) // PLoS One, 15 (2020), 7; e0236513, 20. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0236513
- Van de Vijver, Bart; Bosak Sunčica. Planothidium kaetherobertianum, a new marine diatom (Bacillariophyta) species from the Adriatic Sea. // Phytotaxa, 425 (2019), 2; 105-112. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.425.2.5
- Majewska, Roksana; Bosak, Sunčica; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Ashworth, Matt P.; Sullivan, Michael J.; Robinson, Nathan J.; Lazo-Wasem, Eric A; Pinou, Theodora; Nel, Ronel; Manning, Schonna. R.; Van de Vijver, Bart. Six new epibiotic Proschkinia (Bacillariophyta) species and new insights into the genus phylogeny. // European Journal of Phycology, 54 (2019), 4; 609-631. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1628307
- Robert, Kathe; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart. Catenula exigua sp. nov., a new marine diatom (Bacillariophyta) species from the Adriatic Sea. // Phytotaxa, 414 (2019), 2; 113-118 doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.414.2.3
- Kanjer, Lucija; Mucko, Maja; Car, Ana; Bosak, Sunčica Epiphytic diatoms on Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile leaves from eastern Adriatic Sea // Natura Croatica : periodicum Musei historiae naturalis Croatici, 28 (2019), 1; 1-20 doi:10.20302/NC.2019.28.
- Kanjer, Lucija; Vaz, Marcelo; Wilmotte, Annick; Bosak, Sunčica Blue-green travelers: Cultivation of cyanobacteria associated with sea turtles // Cyano2023 – 8th Early Career Researcher Symposium on Cyanobacteria Kassel, Njemačka, 27.09.2023-29.09.2023. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17238.22083
- Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Vuković, Borna Branimir; Žižek, Marta; Gračan, Romana Tales of Adriatic loggerhead sea turtles and their microbial companions // Slovenian Microbiome Network Symposium 2023 : Defining a Healthy Microbiome : Abstract Book / Stopnišek, Nejc; Janežič, Sandra (ur.). Maribor: Nacionalni laboratorij za zdravje, okolje in hrano, 2023. str. 7-7
- Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Vuković, Borna Branimir What lives on loggerhead sea turtles: an overview of epizoic microalgal assemblages // 64th Meeting of the Czech Phycological Society Prag, Češka Republika, 19.09.2023-21.09.2023
- Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Vuković, Borna Branimir; Žižek, Marta; Gračan, Romana Tales of Adriatic sea turtles and their microbial companions // 1st International Scientific Symposium Interdisciplinary Approach to the Scientific Research of the Adriatic Sea InspireAdriatic 2023 Book of Abstracts / Sviličić Petrić, Ines; Perić, Lorena; Cuculić, Vlado (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2023. str. 35-36
- Pottiez, Margaux; Bosak, Sunčica; Zidarova, Ralitsa; Van de Vijver, Bart Shifting shells: environmental drivers of diatom community composition on loggerhead sea turtles // Book of Abstracts, 15th European Diatom Meeting, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 07–10 May 2024 / Levkov, Zlatko; Mitić Kopanja, Danijela; Zaova, Dušica (ur.). Skoplje: Macedonian Diatom Society, 2024. str. 73-74
- Ekmanis, Toms; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Žižek, Marta; Kanjer, Lucija; Matek, Antonija; Ashworth, Matt P; Gligora Udovič, Marija; Ljubešić, Zrinka; Bosak, Sunčica The Croatian National Diatom Culture Collection: strains from BIOTA and TURTLEBIOME projects // Book of Abstracts, 15th European Diatom Meeting, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 07–10 May 2024 / Levkov, Zlatko; Mitić Kopanja, Danijela; Zaova, Dušica (ur.). Skoplje: Macedonian Diatom Society, 2024. str. 141-142
- Pottiez, Margaux; Zidarova, Ralitsa; Bosak, Sunčica; de Haan, Myriam; Van de Vijver, Bart Unmasking invisible variability: three new Halamphora taxa associated with loggerhead sea turtles // Book of Abstracts, 15th European Diatom Meeting, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 07–10 May 2024 / Levkov, Zlatko; Mitić Kopanja, Danijela; Zaova, Dušica (ur.). Skoplje: Macedonian Diatom Society, 2024. str. 99-100
- Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Vuković, Borna Branimir; Žižek, Marta; Kanjer, Lucija Loggerhead Sea turtles (Caretta caretta) as hosts of diverse bacterial and fungal communities // Proceedings of 3rd International Scientific and Professional Meeting on Reptiles and Exotic Animals “Reptilia” / Nejedli, Srebrenka (ur.). Zagreb: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, 2024. str. 144-144
- Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Pahor, Ela; Bosak, Sunčica What can cyanobacteria tell us about sea turtles? // 8th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium: Book of Abstracts / Posarić, Laura; Gmižić, Daria; Ostojić, Tea et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 2024. str. 15-15
- Bosak, Sunčica ; Filek, Klara ; Kanjer Lucija An overview of diatom and bacterial diversity associated with Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles // 14th European Diatom Meeting, Meise Botanic Garden, Belgium, 2023. (lecture)
Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Bosak, Sunčica Cijanobakterijska raznolikost oklopa Jadranskih glavatih želvi // 14th Croatian Biological Congress, Pula, Croatia, 2022. (poster)
- Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Žižek, Marta; Gračan, Romana; Mucko, Maja TurtleBIOME projekt: nova saznanja o zajednicama bakterija, mikroalgi i gljiva glavatih želvi // 14th Croatian Biological Congress, Pula, Croatia, 2022. (lecture)
- Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara Microbiota of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles: new insights into bacterial and microalgal assemblages // Assemble Plus Conference 2022 – Marine biological research at the frontier, Algarve, Portugal, 2022. (lecture)
- Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Žižek, Marta; Bosak , Sunčica Epibiotic Cyanobacteria Associated with Sea Turtles – from Metabarcoding to Culturing // 17th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes, Liverpool, UK, 2022. (poster)
Filek , Klara; Chaerle , Peter; Liesbeth , Lebbe; Vyverman , Wim; Willems , Anne; Žižek , Marta; Bosak , Sunčica More than just hitchhikers: a survey of bacterial communities associated with diatoms originating from loggerhead sea turtles // 18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology Lausanne, Switzerland, 2022. (poster)
- Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Žižek, Marta; Chaerle, Peter; Lebbe, Liesbeth; Vyverman, Wim; Willems, Anne; Bosak, Sunčica Multi-domain investigations of microbial communities associated with loggerhead sea turtles // FEMS Conference on Microbiology Belgrade, Serbia, 2022. (lecture)
- Žižek, Marta; Vuković, Borna Branimir; Filek, Klara; Trotta, Adriana; Kanjer, Lucija; Gračan, Romana; Di Bello, Antonio; Corrente, Marialaura; Bosak, Sunčica Characterization of cloacal mycobiome of wild and rehabilitated loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022. (poster)
- Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Žižek, Marta; Gračan, Romana; Mucko, Maja; Trotta, Adriana; Di Bello, Antonio; Corrente, Marialaura; Panagopoulou, Aliki et al. Microbiota of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles: new insights into bacterial, fungal and microalgal assemblages // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022. (lecture)
- Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Majewska, Roksana; Gračan, Romana; Trotta, Adriana; Corrente, Marialaura; Di Bello, Antonio; Panagopoulou; Bosak, Sunčica Bacterial diversity of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles’ skin and carapace // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022. (poster)
- Filek, Klara; Chaerle, Peter; Lebbe, Liesbeth; Vyverman, Wim; Willems, Anne; Bosak, Sunčica Microbiota of marine reptiles: it is about more than just the gastrointestinal tract // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022. (poster)
- Žižek, Marta ; Vuković, Borna Branimir ; Filek, Klara ; Trotta, Adriana ; Kanjer, Lucija ; Gračan, Romana ; Di Bello, Antonio ; Corrente, Marialaura ; Bosak, Sunčica Characterization of cloacal mycobiota of wild and rehabilitated loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) // Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Belfast, UK, 2022. (lecture)
Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Majewska, Roksana; Gračan, Romana; Trotta, Adriana; Bosak Sunčica Epibiotic Microbial Diversity of Mediterranean Loggerhead Sea Turtles // 9th Conference of Mikrobiokosmos, Athens, Greece, 2021. (poster)
Filek, Klara; Trotta, Adriana; Gračan, Romana; Di Bello, Antonio; Corrente, Marialaura; Bosak, Sunčica Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) and their microbes: characterizing oral and cloacal microbial communities // 9th Conference of Mikrobiokosmos, Athens, Greece, 2021. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.15293.59363 (lecture)
Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Žižek, Marta; Chaerle, Peter; Vyverman, Wim; Bosak, Sunčica Loggerhead sea-turtle-associated epizoic vs. non-epizoic diatoms: isolation, identification, and co-cultivation experiments // Online International Diatom Symposium Yamagata, Japan, 2021. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.25709.05602 (poster)
Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Chaerle, Peter; Vyverman, Wim; Bosak, Sunčica Growth dynamics of epizoicAchnanthes elongata and non-epizoic Psammodictyon panduriforme in co-cultures // The Molecular Life of Diatoms 6 Program and Abstract Book San Diego, USA, 2021. (poster)
Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Bosak, Sunčica Microbial Diversity Associated with Loggerhead Sea Turtles: Cyanobacterial Community Composition // World Microbe Forum, online, worldwide, 2021. (poster)
Filek, Klara; Chaerle, Peter; Lebbe, Liesbeth; Vyverman, Wim; Willems, Anne; Bosak, Sunčica From Sea Turtle Associated Microbial Biofilms to Diatom Monocultures: A Bacterial Perspective // World Microbe Forum, online, worldwide, 2021. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.12241.66400 (poster)
Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Bosak, Sunčica Cyanobacteria associated with sea turtles: a diversity study using metabarcoding approach // PhD Student Symposium PMF: book of abstracts, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2021. (poster)
Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Chaerle, Peter; Vyverman, Wim; Bosak, Sunčica Diatom co-cultures: close encounters of Achnanthes elongata and Psammodictyon sp. // PhD Student Symposium PMF: book of abstracts, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2021. (poster)
Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Matek, Antonija; Trotta, Adriana; Majewska, Roksana; Ashworth, Matt P.; Van de Vijver, Bart; Bosak, Sunčica A polyphasic approach to identification and characterisation of epibiotic diatoms of loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic Sea // PhD Student Symposium PMF: book of abstracts, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2020. (lecture)
Robert, Käthe; Bosak, Sunčica; Majewska, Roksana; Van de Vijver, Bart Diatoms on loggerhead sea turtles: ecology & biogeography // Abstracts of 5th Annual Meeting on Plant Ecology and Evolution (AMPEE5), Meise, Belgium, 2019. (lecture)
Robert, Kathe; Van de Vijver, Bart; Kociolek, Patrick; Chen, Changping; Bosak, Sunčica Four epizoic species of diatoms found on sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Adriatic Sea // Programme et livre des résumés 38ème colloque de l’Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française, Metz, France, 2019. (poster)
Trotta, Adriana; Corrente, Marialaura; Diakoudi, Georgia; Bosak, Sunčica; Ciccarelli, Stefano; Franchini, Delia; Marinaro, Mariarosaria; Buonavoglia, Domenico Sea turtles as sentinel species of the Mediterranean sea: Isolation of ESBL producing bacteria // Abstract Book of the 1st International Conference of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology, Athens, Greece, 2019. (poster)
Van de Vijver, Bart; Robert, Kaethe; Kociolek, J. Patrick; Chen, Changping; Bosak, Sunčica Four unknown epizoic diatom species found on loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic Sea // 25th North American Diatom Symposium Eatonton, Georgia, USA, 2019. (poster)
Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Matek, Antonija; Majewska, Roksana; Van de Vijver, Bart; Ashworth, Matt P.; Gračan, Romana; Lazar, Bojan; Bosak, Sunčica Diatom genus Poulinea as epibiont on Adriatic loggerhead sea turtles // Sixth Croatian Botanical Symposium Book of Abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. (lecture)
Krzywda, Marta; Kaleli, Aydin; Solak, Cüneyt; Ljubešić, Zrinka; Bosak, Sunčica; Car, Ana, Witkowski, Andrzej Molecular phylogeny of diatoms associated with carapace biofilms of loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta). Comparison of data from 2014 to 2018 // Seventh European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626628 (poster)
Robert, Kaethe; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart Discoveries of new diatom taxa associated with loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic Sea // Seventh European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626628 (poster)
Ashworth, Matt P.; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Sullivan, Michael J.; Majewska, Roksana; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart; Arendt, Mike; Schwenter, Jeff; Stacy, Nicole I; Manning, Schonna R On the shoulders of giants: what epizoic diatoms are teaching us about diatom evolution // Seventh European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626627 (lecture)
Ashworth, Matt P.; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Sullivan, Michael J.; Majewska, Roksana; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart; Arendt, Mike; Schwenter, Jeff; Stacy, Nicole I; Manning, Schonna R On the shoulders of giants: what epizoic diatoms are teaching us about diatom evolution // 25th North American Diatom Symposium, Eatonton, Georgia, SAD, 2019. (lecture)
Van de Vijver, Bart; Filek, Klara; Gračan, Romana; Mucko, Maja; Višić, Hrvoje; Robert, Käthe; Majewska, Roksana; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Ashworth, Matt P.; Bosak, Sunčica The TurtleBIOME project: insight into epizoic diatom communities on loggerhead sea turtles // 24th Nordic Diatomist Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 2019. (lecture)
Višić, Hrvoje; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Trotta, Adriana; Panagopoulou, Aliki; Lukač, Maja; Corrente, Marialaura; Di Bello, Antonio; Gračan, Romana; Bosak, Sunčica Metagenomic characterization of the surface biofilm on mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles // Seventh European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626627 (lecture)
Filek, Klara; Majewska, Roksana; Van de Vijver, Bart; Robert, Kathe; Mucko, Maja; Frankovich, Tom A; Ashworth, Matt P; Sullivan, Michael; Bosak, Sunčica Comparative analysis of the epibiotic diatom assemblage on loggerhead sea turtles in pre- and post-hospitalization period // Seventh European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626628 (poster)
Bosak, Sunčica; Višić, Hrvoje; Filek, Klara; Robert, Kaethe; Van de Vijver, Bart; Trotta, Adriana; Panagopoulou, Aliki; Majewska, Roksana DNA metabarcoding and morphological analyses of the diatom biofilm associated with loggerhead sea turtles in the Mediterranean Sea // The Molecular Life of Diatoms 6, Norwich, UK, 2019. (poster)
Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Matek, Antonija; Trotta, Adriana; Majewska, Roksana; Ashworth, Matt P.; Van de Vijver, Bart; Bosak, Sunčica A polyphasic approach for identification of epibiotic diatoms associated with loggerhead sea turtles in Adriatic Sea // The Molecular Life of Diatoms 6, Norwich, UK, 2019. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.32190.82245/1 (poster)
Bosak, Sunčica; Majewska, Roksana; Filek, Klara; Van de Vijver, Bart New observations on some sea turtle associated Craspedostauros species // 12th Central European Diatom Meeting, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Belvaux, Luxembourg, 2019. (poster)
Käthe, Robert; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart The epibiotic diatoms associated with loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic Sea // 12th Central European Diatom Meeting, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Belvaux, Luxembourg, 2019. (poster)
- Bosak, Sunčica; Lazar, Bojan; Gračan, Romana; Kanjer, Lucija; Van de Vijver, Bart; Majewska, Roksana Epizoic Diatoms associated with the neck skin of adriatic loggerhead seaturtle // Book of Abstracts, 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb, Croatia, 2018. (poster)
- Bosak, Sunčica; Gračan, Romana; Mucko, Maja; Višić, Hrvoje; Filek, Klara; Gobić Medica, Karin; Mičić, Milena; Lukač, Maja; Basu, Swaraj; Orlić, Sandi et al. Loggerhead sea turtle microbiome – TURTLEBIOME project: insight into endozoic and epizoic communities // Book of Abstracts, 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb, Croatia, 2018. (poster)
- Višić, Hrvoje; Ljubešić, Zrinka; Bosak, Sunčica; Neeley, Aimee Renee; Durkin, Colleen A.; Estapa, Margaret L.; Omand, Melissa M.; Mucko, Maja; Barešić, Ana; Karwowska, Zuzanna; Cetinić, Ivona Multilayer approach to plankton analyses in contrasting trophic systems of North Pacific // Ocean Optics XXIV conference Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2018. (poster)
- Van de Vijver, Bart; Bosak, Suncica A new epizoic Olifantiella species found on loggerhead sea turtles // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, 2018. (poster)
- Majewska, Roksana; Van de Vijver, Bart; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Ashworth, Matt P.; Sullivan, Michael; Bosak, Suncica Morphological variations in sea turtle-associated “gomphonemoid” diatoms // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, 2018. (poster)
- Bosak, Sunčica; Majewska, Roksana; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Ashworth, Matt P.; Van de Vijver, Bart New Proschkinia species associated with sea turtles // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, 2018. (poster)
- Krzywda, Marta; Kaleli, Aydın; Solak, Cüneyt; Bosak, Suncica; Car, Ana; Jasprica, Nenad; Witkowski, Andrzej The influence of sea turtles on the biogeography of marine diatoms based on a case study from the Mediterranean coasts // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, 2018. (poster)
- Mucko, Maja; Bosak, Sunčica; Nakov, Teofil; Ruck, Elizabeth; Gligora Udovič, Marija; Ljubešić, Zrinka ˝Planktonic lifestyle lovers˝: a story of eight new marine Entomoneis species // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie universitat Berlin, 2018. (lecture)
- Mucko, Maja; Bosak, Sunčica; Mann, David G.; Trobajo, Rosa; Wetzel, Carlos; Peharec Štefanić, Petra; Ljubešić, Zrinka Novel clades of intriguing Nitzschia species from marine plankton // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie universitat Berlin, 2018. (poster)
PhD Theses
- Klara Filek, Diversity of diatom and bacterial communities associated with loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), 2022., PhD Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor assoc. prof. Sunčica Bosak, PhD
- Adriana Trotta, Microbial communities and antimicrobial resistance: an insight on bacterial world of sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Mediterranean sea, 2020., PhD Thesis, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Department of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) – Mentor: prof. Marialaura Corrente
Master Theses
- Pahor, Ela Polifazna karakterizacija sojeva cijanobakterija iz bentičkih i epibiotskih staništa istočnog Jadranskog mora / Bosak, Sunčica; Kanjer, Lucija (mentor).
Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2024 - Margaux Pottiez, Diatom biodiversity on loggerhead sea turtles and their environment in the Adriatic Sea, 2023, Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, University of Antwerpen, Belgium – Promotor: prof. Bart Van de Vijver, co-promotors: prof. Sunčica Bosak, Charlotte Goeyers
- Borna Branimir Vuković, Endobiotic and epibiotic mycobiota of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), 2023., Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor assoc. prof. Sunčica Bosak, PhD and co-mentor Klara Filek, PhD
- Lucija Kanjer, Epizoic diatom genus Poulinea from loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic sea, 2020., Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
- Antonija Matek, Optimization of artificial light in the cultivation of laboratory diatom cultures Achnanthes elongata and Poulinea lepidochelicola, 2020., Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentors: Sunčica Bosak, PhD and Romana Gračan, PhD
- Kora Dvorski, The effect of dolphin observation programmes in the Cres-Lošinj archipelago on encouraging pro-environmental behavior, 2019., Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentors: Sunčica Bosak, PhD and prof. Peter Mackelworth
- Kaethe Roberts, Ecology and diversity of epizoic diatom communities on marine turtles, 2019., Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, University of Antwerpen, Belgium – Mentors: prof. Bart Van de Vijver, Sunčica Bosak, PhD, Roksana Majewska
Bachelor Theses
- Ana Klarin, Sea turtles in the Mediterranean sea: endangerment and protection strategies, 2020., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
- Andro Zec, The microbiome of bats, 2020., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
- Mihaela Mihaljević, The microbiome of large marine vertebrates, 2019., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
- Mia Šepčević, Host-microbiota interactions: holobiont theory, 2019., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
- Iva Kovačić, Skin microbiome of terrestrial and marine vertebrates, 2019., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
- Maja Kovačević, Biology and ecology of the Mediterranean population of the loggerhead sea turtle (Carreta carreta), 2018., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
- Tina Zorić, Epizoic communities of marine vertebrates, 2018., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD