
  1. Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Zekan Lupić, Mateja; Frleta‐Valić, Maša; Gračan, Romana; Bosak, Sunčica Growing older, growing more diverse: Sea turtles and epibiotic cyanobacteria // Journal of phycology, 2024 (2024), 00; 1-16. doi: 10.1111/jpy.13511
  2. Filek, Klara; Vuković, Borna Branimir; Žižek, Marta; Kanjer, Lucija; Trotta, Adriana; Di Bello, Antonio; Corrente, Marialaura; Bosak, Sunčica Loggerhead Sea Turtles as Hosts of Diverse Bacterial and Fungal Communities // Microbial ecology, 87 (2024), 1; 79, 16. doi: 10.1007/s00248-024-02388-x
  3. Filek, Klara; Lebbe, Liesbeth; Willems, Anne; Chaerle, Peter; Vyverman, Wim; Žižek, Marta; Bosak, Sunčica More than just hitchhikers: a survey of bacterial communities associated with diatoms originating from sea turtles // FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98 (2022) 1-15 doi:10.1093/femsec/fiac104
  4. Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Majewska, Roksana; Gračan, Romana; Trotta, Adriana; Panagopoulou, Aliki; Corrente, Marialaura; Di Bello, Antonio; Bosak, Sunčica Surface microbiota of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles unraveled by 16S and 18S amplicon sequencing // Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10 (2022) 907368, 16 doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.907368
  5. Ashworth, Matt P.; Majewska, Roksana; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Sullivan, Michael; Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Van de Vijver, Bart; Arendt, Michael; Schwenter, Jeffrey; Nel, Ronel; Robinson, Nathan J.; Gary, Meagan P.; Theriot, Edward C.; Stacy, Nicole I.; Lam, Daryl W.; Perrault, Justin R.; Manire, Charles A.; Manning, Schonna R. Cultivating epizoic diatoms provides insights into the evolution and ecology of both epibionts and hosts // Scientific Reports, 12 (2022) 15116, 11 doi:10.1038/s41598-022-19064-0
  6. Filek, Klara; Trotta, Adriana; Gračan, Romana; Di Bello, Antonio; Corrente, Marialaura; Bosak, Sunčica Characterization of oral and cloacal microbial communities of wild and rehabilitated loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) // BMC Animal Microbiome, 3 (2021), 1; 59, 14 doi:10.1186/s42523-021-00120-5
  7. Pang, Wanting; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart First report of the marine chrysophycean stomatocysts from the carapace biofilm of a Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtle // Nova Hedwigia, 113 (2021), 1-2; 33-44 doi:10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2021/0643
  8. Lobban, Christopher S.; Majewska, Roksana; Ashworth, Matt; Bizsel, Nihayet; Bosak, Sunčica; Kooistra, Wiebe H.C.F.; Lam, Daryl W.; Navarro, J. Nelson; Pennesi, Chiara; Sato, Shinya et al. Diatom Genus Hyalosira (Rhabdonematales emend.) and Resolution of its Polyphyly in Grammatophoraceae and Rhabdonemataceae with a New Genus, Placosira, and Five New Hyalosira Species // Protist, 172 (2021), 3; 125816, 37 doi:10.1016/j.protis.2021.125816
  9. Trotta, Adriana; Cirilli, Margie; Marinaro, Mariarosaria; Bosak, Sunčica; Diakoudi, Georgia; Ciccarelli, Stefano; Paci, Serena; Buonavoglia, Domenico; Corrente, Marialaura Detection of multi-drug resistance and AmpC β-lactamase/extended-spectrum β-lactamase genes in bacterial isolates of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Mediterranean Sea // Marine Pollution Bulletin, 164 (2021), 112015, 9 doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112015
  10. Majewska, Roksana; Ashworth, Matt P.; Bosak, Sunčica; Goosen, William E.; Nolte, Christopher; Filek, Klara; Van de Vijver, Bart; Taylor, Jonathan C.; Manning, Schonna R.; Nel, Ronel On sea turtle-associated Craspedostauros (Bacillariophyta), with description of three novel species // Journal of Phycology, 57 (2021), 1; 199-218 doi:10.1111/jpy.13086
  11. Van de Vijver, Bart; Bosak, Sunčica Typification of Brachysira aponina Kützing (Brachysiraceae, Bacillariophyta) // Notulae algarum, 171 (2020) 4
  12. Kanjer, Lucija; Majewska, Roksana; Van de Vijver, Bart; Gračan, Romana; Lazar, Bojan; Bosak, Sunčica Diatom diversity on the skin of frozen historic loggerhead sea turtle specimens // Diversity, 12 (2020), 10; 338, 11 doi:10.3390/d12100383
  13. Van de Vijver, Bart; Robert, Kathe; Witkowski, Andrzej; Bosak, Suncica Majewskaea gen. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new marine benthic diatom genus from the Adriatic Sea. // Fottea, 20 (2020), 2; 112-120 doi:10.5507/fot.2020.001
  14. Van de Vijver, Bart; Robert, Käthe; Majewska, Roksana; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Panagopoulou, Aliki; Bosak, Sunčica. Geographical variation in the diatom communities associated with loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) // PLoS One, 15 (2020), 7; e0236513, 20. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0236513
  15. Van de Vijver, Bart; Bosak Sunčica. Planothidium kaetherobertianum, a new marine diatom (Bacillariophyta) species from the Adriatic Sea. // Phytotaxa, 425 (2019), 2; 105-112. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.425.2.5
  16. Majewska, Roksana; Bosak, Sunčica; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Ashworth, Matt P.; Sullivan, Michael J.; Robinson, Nathan J.; Lazo-Wasem, Eric A; Pinou, Theodora; Nel, Ronel; Manning, Schonna. R.; Van de Vijver, Bart. Six new epibiotic Proschkinia (Bacillariophyta) species and new insights into the genus phylogeny. // European Journal of Phycology, 54 (2019), 4; 609-631. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1628307
  17. Robert, Kathe; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart. Catenula exigua sp. nov., a new marine diatom (Bacillariophyta) species from the Adriatic Sea. // Phytotaxa, 414 (2019), 2; 113-118 doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.414.2.3
  18. Kanjer, Lucija; Mucko, Maja; Car, Ana; Bosak, Sunčica Epiphytic diatoms on Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile leaves from eastern Adriatic Sea // Natura Croatica : periodicum Musei historiae naturalis Croatici, 28 (2019), 1; 1-20 doi:10.20302/NC.2019.28.


  1. Kanjer, Lucija; Vaz, Marcelo; Wilmotte, Annick; Bosak, Sunčica Blue-green travelers: Cultivation of cyanobacteria associated with sea turtles // Cyano2023 – 8th Early Career Researcher Symposium on Cyanobacteria Kassel, Njemačka, 27.09.2023-29.09.2023. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17238.22083
  2. Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Vuković, Borna Branimir; Žižek, Marta; Gračan, Romana Tales of Adriatic loggerhead sea turtles and their microbial companions // Slovenian Microbiome Network Symposium 2023 : Defining a Healthy Microbiome : Abstract Book / Stopnišek, Nejc; Janežič, Sandra (ur.). Maribor: Nacionalni laboratorij za zdravje, okolje in hrano, 2023. str. 7-7
  3. Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Vuković, Borna Branimir What lives on loggerhead sea turtles: an overview of epizoic microalgal assemblages // 64th Meeting of the Czech Phycological Society Prag, Češka Republika, 19.09.2023-21.09.2023
  4. Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Vuković, Borna Branimir; Žižek, Marta; Gračan, Romana Tales of Adriatic sea turtles and their microbial companions // 1st International Scientific Symposium Interdisciplinary Approach to the Scientific Research of the Adriatic Sea InspireAdriatic 2023 Book of Abstracts / Sviličić Petrić, Ines; Perić, Lorena; Cuculić, Vlado (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2023. str. 35-36
  5. Pottiez, Margaux; Bosak, Sunčica; Zidarova, Ralitsa; Van de Vijver, Bart Shifting shells: environmental drivers of diatom community composition on loggerhead sea turtles // Book of Abstracts, 15th European Diatom Meeting, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 07–10 May 2024 / Levkov, Zlatko; Mitić Kopanja, Danijela; Zaova, Dušica (ur.). Skoplje: Macedonian Diatom Society, 2024. str. 73-74
  6. Ekmanis, Toms; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Žižek, Marta; Kanjer, Lucija; Matek, Antonija; Ashworth, Matt P; Gligora Udovič, Marija; Ljubešić, Zrinka; Bosak, Sunčica The Croatian National Diatom Culture Collection: strains from BIOTA and TURTLEBIOME projects // Book of Abstracts, 15th European Diatom Meeting, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 07–10 May 2024 / Levkov, Zlatko; Mitić Kopanja, Danijela; Zaova, Dušica (ur.). Skoplje: Macedonian Diatom Society, 2024. str. 141-142
  7. Pottiez, Margaux; Zidarova, Ralitsa; Bosak, Sunčica; de Haan, Myriam; Van de Vijver, Bart Unmasking invisible variability: three new Halamphora taxa associated with loggerhead sea turtles // Book of Abstracts, 15th European Diatom Meeting, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 07–10 May 2024 / Levkov, Zlatko; Mitić Kopanja, Danijela; Zaova, Dušica (ur.). Skoplje: Macedonian Diatom Society, 2024. str. 99-100
  8. Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Vuković, Borna Branimir; Žižek, Marta; Kanjer, Lucija Loggerhead Sea turtles (Caretta caretta) as hosts of diverse bacterial and fungal communities // Proceedings of 3rd International Scientific and Professional Meeting on Reptiles and Exotic Animals “Reptilia” / Nejedli, Srebrenka (ur.). Zagreb: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, 2024. str. 144-144
  9. Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Pahor, Ela; Bosak, Sunčica What can cyanobacteria tell us about sea turtles? // 8th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium: Book of Abstracts / Posarić, Laura; Gmižić, Daria; Ostojić, Tea et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 2024. str. 15-15
  10. Bosak, Sunčica ; Filek, Klara ; Kanjer Lucija An overview of diatom and bacterial diversity associated with Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles // 14th European Diatom Meeting, Meise Botanic Garden, Belgium, 2023. (lecture)
  11. Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Bosak, Sunčica Cijanobakterijska raznolikost oklopa Jadranskih glavatih želvi // 14th Croatian Biological Congress, Pula, Croatia, 2022. (poster)
  12. Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Žižek, Marta; Gračan, Romana; Mucko, Maja TurtleBIOME projekt: nova saznanja o zajednicama bakterija, mikroalgi i gljiva glavatih želvi // 14th Croatian Biological Congress, Pula, Croatia, 2022. (lecture)
  13. Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara Microbiota of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles: new insights into bacterial and microalgal assemblages // Assemble Plus Conference 2022 – Marine biological research at the frontier, Algarve, Portugal, 2022. (lecture)
  14. Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Žižek, Marta; Bosak , Sunčica Epibiotic Cyanobacteria Associated with Sea Turtles – from Metabarcoding to Culturing // 17th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes, Liverpool, UK, 2022. (poster)
  15. Filek , Klara; Chaerle , Peter; Liesbeth , Lebbe; Vyverman , Wim; Willems , Anne; Žižek , Marta; Bosak , Sunčica More than just hitchhikers: a survey of bacterial communities associated with diatoms originating from loggerhead sea turtles // 18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology Lausanne, Switzerland, 2022. (poster)
  16. Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Žižek, Marta; Chaerle, Peter; Lebbe, Liesbeth; Vyverman, Wim; Willems, Anne; Bosak, Sunčica Multi-domain investigations of microbial communities associated with loggerhead sea turtles // FEMS Conference on Microbiology  Belgrade, Serbia, 2022. (lecture)
  17. Žižek, Marta; Vuković, Borna Branimir; Filek, Klara; Trotta, Adriana; Kanjer, Lucija; Gračan, Romana; Di Bello, Antonio; Corrente, Marialaura; Bosak, Sunčica Characterization of cloacal mycobiome of wild and rehabilitated loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022. (poster)
  18. Bosak, Sunčica; Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Žižek, Marta; Gračan, Romana; Mucko, Maja; Trotta, Adriana; Di Bello, Antonio; Corrente, Marialaura; Panagopoulou, Aliki et al. Microbiota of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles: new insights into bacterial, fungal and microalgal assemblages // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022. (lecture)
  19. Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Majewska, Roksana; Gračan, Romana; Trotta, Adriana; Corrente, Marialaura; Di Bello, Antonio; Panagopoulou; Bosak, Sunčica Bacterial diversity of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles’ skin and carapace // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022. (poster)
  20. Filek, Klara; Chaerle, Peter; Lebbe, Liesbeth; Vyverman, Wim; Willems, Anne; Bosak, Sunčica Microbiota of marine reptiles: it is about more than just the gastrointestinal tract // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022. (poster)
  21. Žižek, Marta ; Vuković, Borna Branimir ; Filek, Klara ; Trotta, Adriana ; Kanjer, Lucija ; Gračan, Romana ; Di Bello, Antonio ; Corrente, Marialaura ; Bosak, Sunčica Characterization of cloacal mycobiota of wild and rehabilitated loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) // Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Belfast, UK, 2022. (lecture)
  22. Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Majewska, Roksana; Gračan, Romana; Trotta, Adriana; Bosak Sunčica Epibiotic Microbial Diversity of Mediterranean Loggerhead Sea Turtles // 9th Conference of Mikrobiokosmos, Athens, Greece, 2021. (poster)
  23. Filek, Klara; Trotta, Adriana; Gračan, Romana; Di Bello, Antonio; Corrente, Marialaura; Bosak, Sunčica Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) and their microbes: characterizing oral and cloacal microbial communities // 9th Conference of Mikrobiokosmos, Athens, Greece, 2021. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.15293.59363 (lecture)
  24. Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Žižek, Marta; Chaerle, Peter; Vyverman, Wim; Bosak, Sunčica Loggerhead sea-turtle-associated epizoic vs. non-epizoic diatoms: isolation, identification, and co-cultivation experiments // Online International Diatom Symposium Yamagata, Japan, 2021. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.25709.05602 (poster)
  25. Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Chaerle, Peter; Vyverman, Wim; Bosak, Sunčica Growth dynamics of epizoicAchnanthes elongata and non-epizoic Psammodictyon panduriforme in co-cultures // The Molecular Life of Diatoms 6 Program and Abstract Book San Diego, USA, 2021. (poster)
  26. Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Bosak, Sunčica Microbial Diversity Associated with Loggerhead Sea Turtles: Cyanobacterial Community Composition // World Microbe Forum, online, worldwide, 2021. (poster)
  27. Filek, Klara; Chaerle, Peter; Lebbe, Liesbeth; Vyverman, Wim; Willems, Anne; Bosak, Sunčica From Sea Turtle Associated Microbial Biofilms to Diatom Monocultures: A Bacterial Perspective // World Microbe Forum, online, worldwide, 2021. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.12241.66400 (poster)
  28. Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Bosak, Sunčica Cyanobacteria associated with sea turtles: a diversity study using metabarcoding approach // PhD Student Symposium PMF: book of abstracts, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2021. (poster)
  29. Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Chaerle, Peter; Vyverman, Wim; Bosak, Sunčica Diatom co-cultures: close encounters of Achnanthes elongata and Psammodictyon sp. // PhD Student Symposium PMF: book of abstracts, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2021. (poster)
  30. Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Matek, Antonija; Trotta, Adriana; Majewska, Roksana; Ashworth, Matt P.; Van de Vijver, Bart; Bosak, Sunčica A polyphasic approach to identification and characterisation of epibiotic diatoms of loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic Sea // PhD Student Symposium PMF: book of abstracts, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2020. (lecture)
  31. Robert, Käthe; Bosak, Sunčica; Majewska, Roksana; Van de Vijver, Bart Diatoms on loggerhead sea turtles: ecology & biogeography // Abstracts of 5th Annual Meeting on Plant Ecology and Evolution (AMPEE5), Meise, Belgium, 2019. (lecture)
  32. Robert, Kathe; Van de Vijver, Bart; Kociolek, Patrick; Chen, Changping; Bosak, Sunčica Four epizoic species of diatoms found on sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Adriatic Sea // Programme et livre des résumés 38ème colloque de l’Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française, Metz, France, 2019. (poster)
  33. Trotta, Adriana; Corrente, Marialaura; Diakoudi, Georgia; Bosak, Sunčica; Ciccarelli, Stefano; Franchini, Delia; Marinaro, Mariarosaria; Buonavoglia, Domenico Sea turtles as sentinel species of the Mediterranean sea: Isolation of ESBL producing bacteria // Abstract Book of the 1st International Conference of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology, Athens, Greece, 2019. (poster)
  34. Van de Vijver, Bart; Robert, Kaethe; Kociolek, J. Patrick; Chen, Changping; Bosak, Sunčica Four unknown epizoic diatom species found on loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic Sea // 25th North American Diatom Symposium Eatonton, Georgia, USA, 2019. (poster)
  35. Kanjer, Lucija; Filek, Klara; Matek, Antonija; Majewska, Roksana; Van de Vijver, Bart; Ashworth, Matt P.; Gračan, Romana; Lazar, Bojan; Bosak, Sunčica Diatom genus Poulinea as epibiont on Adriatic loggerhead sea turtles // Sixth Croatian Botanical Symposium Book of Abstracts, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. (lecture)
  36. Krzywda, Marta; Kaleli, Aydin; Solak, Cüneyt; Ljubešić, Zrinka; Bosak, Sunčica; Car, Ana, Witkowski, Andrzej Molecular phylogeny of diatoms associated with carapace biofilms of loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta). Comparison of data from 2014 to 2018 // Seventh European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626628 (poster)
  37. Robert, Kaethe; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart Discoveries of new diatom taxa associated with loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic Sea // Seventh European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626628 (poster)
  38. Ashworth, Matt P.; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Sullivan, Michael J.; Majewska, Roksana; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart; Arendt, Mike; Schwenter, Jeff; Stacy, Nicole I; Manning, Schonna R On the shoulders of giants: what epizoic diatoms are teaching us about diatom evolution // Seventh European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626627 (lecture)
  39. Ashworth, Matt P.; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Sullivan, Michael J.; Majewska, Roksana; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart; Arendt, Mike; Schwenter, Jeff; Stacy, Nicole I; Manning, Schonna R On the shoulders of giants: what epizoic diatoms are teaching us about diatom evolution // 25th North American Diatom Symposium, Eatonton, Georgia, SAD, 2019. (lecture)
  40. Van de Vijver, Bart; Filek, Klara; Gračan, Romana; Mucko, Maja; Višić, Hrvoje; Robert, Käthe; Majewska, Roksana; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Ashworth, Matt P.; Bosak, Sunčica The TurtleBIOME project: insight into epizoic diatom communities on loggerhead sea turtles // 24th Nordic Diatomist Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 2019. (lecture)
  41. Višić, Hrvoje; Filek, Klara; Mucko, Maja; Trotta, Adriana; Panagopoulou, Aliki; Lukač, Maja; Corrente, Marialaura; Di Bello, Antonio; Gračan, Romana; Bosak, Sunčica Metagenomic characterization of the surface biofilm on mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles // Seventh European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626627 (lecture)
  42. Filek, Klara; Majewska, Roksana; Van de Vijver, Bart; Robert, Kathe; Mucko, Maja; Frankovich, Tom A; Ashworth, Matt P; Sullivan, Michael; Bosak, Sunčica Comparative analysis of the epibiotic diatom assemblage on loggerhead sea turtles in pre- and post-hospitalization period // Seventh European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626628 (poster)
  43. Bosak, Sunčica; Višić, Hrvoje; Filek, Klara; Robert, Kaethe; Van de Vijver, Bart; Trotta, Adriana; Panagopoulou, Aliki; Majewska, Roksana DNA metabarcoding and morphological analyses of the diatom biofilm associated with loggerhead sea turtles in the Mediterranean Sea // The Molecular Life of Diatoms 6, Norwich, UK, 2019. (poster)
  44. Filek, Klara; Kanjer, Lucija; Matek, Antonija; Trotta, Adriana; Majewska, Roksana; Ashworth, Matt P.; Van de Vijver, Bart; Bosak, Sunčica A polyphasic approach for identification of epibiotic diatoms associated with loggerhead sea turtles in Adriatic Sea // The Molecular Life of Diatoms 6, Norwich, UK, 2019. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.32190.82245/1 (poster)
  45. Bosak, Sunčica; Majewska, Roksana; Filek, Klara; Van de Vijver, Bart New observations on some sea turtle associated Craspedostauros species // 12th Central European Diatom Meeting, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Belvaux, Luxembourg, 2019. (poster)
  46. Käthe, Robert; Bosak, Sunčica; Van de Vijver, Bart The epibiotic diatoms associated with loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic Sea // 12th Central European Diatom Meeting, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Belvaux, Luxembourg, 2019. (poster)
  47. Bosak, Sunčica; Lazar, Bojan; Gračan, Romana; Kanjer, Lucija; Van de Vijver, Bart; Majewska, Roksana Epizoic Diatoms associated with the neck skin of adriatic loggerhead seaturtle // Book of Abstracts, 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb, Croatia, 2018. (poster)
  48. Bosak, Sunčica; Gračan, Romana; Mucko, Maja; Višić, Hrvoje; Filek, Klara; Gobić Medica, Karin; Mičić, Milena; Lukač, Maja; Basu, Swaraj; Orlić, Sandi et al. Loggerhead sea turtle microbiome – TURTLEBIOME project: insight into endozoic and epizoic communities // Book of Abstracts, 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb, Croatia, 2018. (poster)
  49. Višić, Hrvoje; Ljubešić, Zrinka; Bosak, Sunčica; Neeley, Aimee Renee; Durkin, Colleen A.; Estapa, Margaret L.; Omand, Melissa M.; Mucko, Maja; Barešić, Ana; Karwowska, Zuzanna; Cetinić, Ivona Multilayer approach to plankton analyses in contrasting trophic systems of North Pacific // Ocean Optics XXIV conference Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2018. (poster)
  50. Van de Vijver, Bart; Bosak, Suncica A new epizoic Olifantiella species found on loggerhead sea turtles // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, 2018. (poster)
  51. Majewska, Roksana; Van de Vijver, Bart; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Ashworth, Matt P.; Sullivan, Michael; Bosak, Suncica Morphological variations in sea turtle-associated “gomphonemoid” diatoms // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, 2018. (poster)
  52. Bosak, Sunčica; Majewska, Roksana; Frankovich, Thomas A.; Ashworth, Matt P.; Van de Vijver, Bart New Proschkinia species associated with sea turtles // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, 2018. (poster)
  53. Krzywda, Marta; Kaleli, Aydın; Solak, Cüneyt; Bosak, Suncica; Car, Ana; Jasprica, Nenad; Witkowski, Andrzej The influence of sea turtles on the biogeography of marine diatoms based on a case study from the Mediterranean coasts // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, 2018. (poster)
  54. Mucko, Maja; Bosak, Sunčica; Nakov, Teofil; Ruck, Elizabeth; Gligora Udovič, Marija; Ljubešić, Zrinka ˝Planktonic lifestyle lovers˝: a story of eight new marine Entomoneis species // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie universitat Berlin, 2018. (lecture)
  55. Mucko, Maja; Bosak, Sunčica; Mann, David G.; Trobajo, Rosa; Wetzel, Carlos; Peharec Štefanić, Petra; Ljubešić, Zrinka Novel clades of intriguing Nitzschia species from marine plankton // Abstracts of the 25th International Diatom Symposium, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Freie universitat Berlin, 2018. (poster) 


PhD Theses

  1. Klara Filek, Diversity of diatom and bacterial communities associated with loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), 2022., PhD Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor assoc. prof. Sunčica Bosak, PhD
  2. Adriana Trotta, Microbial communities and antimicrobial resistance: an insight on bacterial world of sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Mediterranean sea, 2020., PhD Thesis, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Department of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) – Mentor: prof. Marialaura Corrente

Master Theses

  1. Pahor, Ela Polifazna karakterizacija sojeva cijanobakterija iz bentičkih i epibiotskih staništa istočnog Jadranskog mora / Bosak, Sunčica; Kanjer, Lucija (mentor).
    Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2024
  2. Margaux Pottiez, Diatom biodiversity on loggerhead sea turtles and their environment in the Adriatic Sea, 2023, Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, University of Antwerpen, Belgium – Promotor: prof. Bart Van de Vijver,  co-promotors: prof. Sunčica Bosak, Charlotte Goeyers
  3. Borna Branimir Vuković, Endobiotic and epibiotic mycobiota of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), 2023., Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor assoc. prof. Sunčica Bosak, PhD and co-mentor Klara Filek, PhD
  4. Lucija Kanjer, Epizoic diatom genus Poulinea from loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic sea, 2020., Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
  5. Antonija Matek, Optimization of artificial light in the cultivation of laboratory diatom cultures Achnanthes elongata and Poulinea lepidochelicola, 2020., Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentors: Sunčica Bosak, PhD and Romana Gračan, PhD
  6. Kora Dvorski, The effect of dolphin observation programmes in the Cres-Lošinj archipelago on encouraging pro-environmental behavior, 2019., Master Thesis,  Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentors: Sunčica Bosak, PhD and prof. Peter Mackelworth
  7. Kaethe Roberts, Ecology and diversity of epizoic diatom communities on marine turtles, 2019., Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, University of Antwerpen, Belgium – Mentors: prof. Bart Van de Vijver, Sunčica Bosak, PhD, Roksana Majewska

Bachelor Theses 

  1. Ana Klarin, Sea turtles in the Mediterranean sea: endangerment and protection strategies, 2020., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
  2. Andro Zec, The microbiome of bats, 2020., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
  3. Mihaela Mihaljević, The microbiome of large marine vertebrates, 2019., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
  4. Mia Šepčević, Host-microbiota interactions: holobiont theory, 2019., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD 
  5. Iva Kovačić, Skin microbiome of terrestrial and marine vertebrates, 2019., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
  6. Maja Kovačević, Biology and ecology of the Mediterranean population of the loggerhead sea turtle (Carreta carreta), 2018., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD
  7. Tina Zorić, Epizoic communities of marine vertebrates, 2018., Bachelor Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb – Mentor: Sunčica Bosak, PhD